Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quake 4

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap…

Why do I do this to myself? I’ve decided that in order upgrade myself from gaming outcast to sociable gamer I’m going to learn to play FPS’. Why you ask? I just told you damnit!

Anyways, moving on… I bought Quake 4. No, I did not realise it would be as gruesome as it is. No, I did not think that it would toss you head first into the game without a nice walkthrough to help you going with it. No, I did not realise that if your num-lock is on, you can’t use your keypad. So of course, I ended up dead… fast.

I’m going to give the game another try before I comment on it.

In the meantime though, here are some wise words that I found for those of you, who like me, are very new to FPS games.
Keep moving.
Do not stand still during a fire fight, it's suicidal.
Move all the time, find a safe place, and reload.

(Key "R" default)
Keep an eye on your ammo level. When low move away to a safe area and reload. If exposed when reloading... you die. Click and weep.

Know your Strogg.
Bigger the Strogg, more powerful the weapon needed to kill. No, surprisingly a comparatively light weapon can do more damage.
If you’re having problems change weapons. Your armoury always has a weapon for the Stroggs you will meet.

This game (Quake 4) is visually spectacular, second to none. You will also have to listen; sound will help you especially in later levels.

Enjoy the game; it will take a good few hours to complete. There is absolutely no point in trying to complete the game as fast as you can. Take some time to look around and enjoy the environment. Good luck!

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