Sunday, September 14, 2008

CSI: Hard Evidence

It’s been a fair while since I last updated this thing, due to work, weddings and of course, gaming. And although Sims 2 has been dominating my time I did manage to squeeze in CSI: Hard Evidence for the Wii.

This game is right up my alley. The game features characters from the series, and even has a side quest in the form of collecting bugs for Grisham. As the lead character you play in a first person view, collecting and analysing evidence from 5 separate crime scenes. The overall game play is simple, and the entire game can be completed within 8 hours if you sit and play one crime scene after the next, however it still seems to be able to hold your interest.

I played the 5 crime scenes through in two days and have started again to see if I can achieve Master status on all of my scenes. Oh, that’s something I forgot to mention. After each case has been solved Grisham will evaluate your performance and rank you.

This is a great game if you want to kill an afternoon, without too much effort. And although the age restriction is 16+ I think I’d let my 14 year old play the game.

Sample comparisons. As you collect evidence in the game, you can compare with either the CSI database, or with other collected samples:
Picking up a suspect... And this guy really was 'suspect':
Asking questions... determining whether or not you need to bring someone in for questioning:
The first crime scene:
The second crime scene:
The science lab. The equipment is actually pretty cool: The morgue... it was a tad grim:

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