Monday, February 23, 2009

Final Fantasy X

Oh come on you knew it was coming… How could I have a gaming blog and not mention my favourite game of all time; Final Fantasy X?

I am, once again, playing this game, with the exception that this time I am taking my time in an attempt to pick up as many of the Celestial Weapons that I can.

Final Fantasy X was the very first PS2 game that I ever bought, and it is still one of the best I’ve ever played.

The characters are a mixed bunch, but all as likeable as the next, and all have their own story to tell, which you will discover as you play the game.

Tidus and Yuna are our hero and heroine. Yuna is a Summoner on a quest to defeat Sin and bring the “calm” to Spira (her homeland). Tidus is a Blitzball (kinda like underwater soccer) player from a city within Spira that was populated a thousand years in the past. Through Sin, Tidus is transported through time to Spira and joins Yuna’s quest. The story is very complex (as are most Japanese based RPG’s) but exquisitely executed, so much so that in the end you are in love with your characters and parting with them is almost heart-breaking.

The turn based fighting system is something that works for me because it gives me time to plan and think about what my next move is going to be, particularly during difficult Boss fights. The levelling up system is also interesting. Characters level up by releasing skill spheres on the Sphere Grid. In order to move around the Sphere Grid you need to ensure that each of your characters participate in enough battles to gain action points. Once a certain number of action points have been accumulated your character is then able to move one space on the Sphere Grid.

Thanks to this game I became a Final Fantasy addict and have slowly been growing my collection of them. I now own Final Fantasy Anniversary edition for the PSP, Final Fantasy X-2 for the PS2 (the sequel to FFX), Final Fantasy XII (PS2) and the movie Final Fantasy Advent Children.

This is an exquisite game, with a rich storyline and exquisite graphics to add to that. Gamespot gave it a rating of 9.3 and what can I say… can’t argue with that!

The Sphere Grid tutorial

Shiva (my favourite Aeon) performing her overdrive attack, Diamond Dust

Yuna, in her wedding dress on her way to marrying Maester Seymour

Tidus performing his overdrive attack, Spiral Cut

Tidus playing Blitzball (this part of the game is a dead loss for me. I can't get the Blitzball thing right)

Bahamut, one of Yuna's more powerful Aeons

Wakka, Tidus and their team, The Besaid Aurochs

Yuna perfoming a Sending (to send the dead to the Farplane)

Tidus and Yuna... this is my favourite moment in the game

Yuna performing the Sending

Tidus... isn't he just so gorgeous?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rogue Galaxy

Beautiful, challenging and down-right fun is the way I’d describe the latest of my Playstation 2 games, Rogue Galaxy.

This Japanese-designed game is fast becoming one of my favourites, along with Final Fantasy X. It certainly feels like a Final Fantasy game, with a “Treasure Planet” twist to it.

Our hero, Jaster Rogue, finds himself hired by a couple of Space Pirates in a case of mistaken identity. Being the adventurous sort, who has always wanted to travel throughout the galaxy he goes along with the two pirates, Simon and Steve, travelling on the most famous pirate ship in the galaxy, The Dorgenark. He is, of course, eventually found out, but by this stage has endeared himself to the crew, who are determined to convince the feared pirate captain, Captain Dorgengoa, to allow him to stay. And of course, they do.

You travel throughout the galaxy, visiting various planets and taking on various missions, some of which, I will be honest, can be a little tedious. At one point you end up in a prison on the planet Zerard and have to fight your way out of a series of floors or levels, which eventually became annoying.

In terms of PS2 graphics, the game is exquisite. Visually stunning Rogue Galaxy is full of rich, colourful scenery and even more so, colourful characters. The game is done in more of an illustrative style than full-on 3D, but that doesn’t seem to detract from it. It, in fact, adds to the interest of the game. You sort of feel like you’re reading an old pirate book, rather than playing a game.

The game does have a few “iffy” points. There are times when the story cut-scenes can be a bit long, and as I mentioned earlier, running around certain areas to get into or out of them can really take its toll, but they’re not so bad that I’d ever get to point of giving up.

To get a glimpse of this stunning game visit Rogue Galaxy’s Official Website

Gamespot’s rating was 8.0 and well… I’m going to stick with that. 8.0 it is!

This is Kisala... Doesn't she remind you of someone? Someone from a Final Fantasy game perhaps???

Hmmm, I have yet to figure out if he is a goodie or a baddie... Will have to keep you posted on that one.

Our hero, Jaster Rogue... Can you see why I love these kinds of games? Isn't he just beautiful?

I'm not sure where this is, but aren't the graphics just beautiful?

Kisala on the deck of her father's ship. Yes, Captain Dorgengoa is her dad!

Going off to battle...

Looking up at the stars... Should we be singing "love is in the air"?

Lilika in attack mode :P She has the most awesome attack called Voodoo Dance.

The Dorgenark in... er... flight?

Jaster again. Looking rather determined if you ask me.